Monday, December 27, 2010

3 a.m. -- Vampires -- Favorite Music of 2010

Cement stairwell, smoking a menthol, the cat came bounding down the steps and I found myself kind of hoping it wasn't the cat at all but rather a shape-shifting vampire come to convert me--my lifelong secret-diary type fantasy scenario of roaming the streets of a city in search of my next meal finally on the verge of coming true, the immortality breakthrough, then...nothing. Just the cat. I am not a future serial killer, so be not afraid, it's just that I read Interview With the Vampire when I was 10 and have never truly conceded that it's not going to happen.

Walking to the MAX downtown tonight--iPod on shuffle--"Waterfalls" by TLC came on (yeah, it's on my iPod--so what? Don't judge me) and I am here to tell you--that song is still AMAZING after all these years.

It's been a long year.  It's been a hard year. It's been a bouncy-flouncy-happy-sappy-sad-and-cry-then-get-past-it year. I am trying, really, it's just that wintertime is never easy for me. I swear I'll be happier when springtime comes--really.

I have been trying to track down Danielle. Danielle, Danielle, Danielle--all I can think about.


Back to vampires--something that really bothers me about the whole Twilight thing--Bella is in high school in the first one, right? And then she meets Mr. high school...right? Okay. Why in the hell, if you were a vampire and had achieved immortality, would you spend even one moment in effing HIGH SCHOOL?! Mother of God, man, that's the best thing you can find to do with ETERNITY?!

That was bothering me. For the record, I have never read any of the Twilight books. The only reason I've seen the movies is because Rifftrax (the MST3K guys -- mocked them--and the sheer hilarity of those guys tearing the movies to shreds makes seeing them (almost) worth it.

I'm pretty much going on about nothing.

My favorite albums of 2010 (as if anyone asked)--

1. Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest
2. Swans - My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky
3. Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
4. Titus Andronicus - The Monitor
5. Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz
6. Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Before Today
7. The National - High Violet
8. Xiu Xiu - Dear God, I Hate Myself
9. Matthew Dear - Black City
10. Sleigh Bells - Treats
11. Surfer Blood - Astro Coast
12. Spoon - Transference
13. Pantha Du Prince - Black Noise
14. Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma
15. I feel like I should put the latest Hold Steady here--since they're pretty much my favorite--but it really doesn't deserve to be acknowledged alongside these other much more deserving picks. Bit of a letdown.

Those aren't necessarily in perfect order, but you get the idea. The top 5...that's pretty much in the right order.

I've babbled enough.


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