Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's 11:30 a.m. -- do you know where your motivation is?

It's an ongoing battle, this search for motivation, inspiration, the will to even leave my bed. I guess you could say my S.A.D. has picked up for the winter. Somehow it doesn't come as a huge surprise, what with the fact that every winter is a marathon trudge through grim and grey.

Belly all pocked with life's henpecks, feeling balky at the gates of paradise so rushed out and found a down cafe for coffee, cake, and understanding. Capitulating to despair? Hope not. Dream a little dream, I say a little prayer for you, "I just want to be me" (The Smashing Pumpkins are playing beside me, talk about a blast from the past oh yes indeed) and no there is no sunshine but you learn to cope with grim and cloudy Yes there is now five at least more months to go of drizzle-drop holy Hell I hafta homeward
Just for court what fun is that?

I am using homeward as a verb from here on out.

Ross, taking up valuable webspace for no good reason

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