Friday, October 1, 2010

Yes yes yes no no no

And it's true that no one truly knows anyone, we can't transmit what's really inside.  And it's true that the world will continue in its spinning, whirling on and on with no regard for our machinations.  And it's true that things aren't so desperate or hollow as the TV would have you believe--no, we are not some Fox News reality.  We are so much more than the squawking heads in the idiot box have been claiming.  And yet, that being said, we are not the alpha & the omega, we are not everything, I am not the calm center of this warm little universe--I am nothing more or less than I was meant to be from the beginning.

Spent so long trying to play God, who'd've thunk it could be so much less painful to simply let go and admit that I have no control over, well, pretty much anything?  Life can improve, dearies, you need only open your hearts.

I am going to an NA convention this weekend out at Jantzen Beach--should be a good time, indeed.



1 comment:

  1. I feel this. Except I am the Alpha and the Omega, meaning that I am that new cute animated movie about wolves coming out soon. Incarnate. Thanks for all you do BFF, and yes I feel super gay calling you that. But whateves, my favorite mantra is life is short so make the best of what you got. Or something.... I wish I could write half as well as you. But I am going to go try....
