Saturday, September 18, 2010

A hand to hold, an excuse to be bold

So anyhow, it seems to me that the way out is through, through with the bullshit, yes yes yes.

Hung out with Tyler again today--he's pretty much my new BFF.  We even shook on it, so don't bother trying to argue with me, my decision is final!  He's the best thing since sliced Challah.

Moving on--I've been informed twice in the last two days that I have a flaming lisp and that I might as well put on a damn pink tutu and mince my way down the block, wrists limply flopping and hips gaily swiveling.


Went to Ground Kontrol ( ) again today -- OMG it is the best thing ever.  I played about 500,000,000 games of Centipede.  Tyler and I nerded out there for a while and then hit up NW for the 5:30--yes, indeed.

After that, went back to his house for his potluck--a splendid time was guaranteed for all.  Few things in this life nearly so fun as listening to embittered gay men wax mincetastic about their hatred for all things unbearable.


In summation, that, my friends, is where babies come from.

Love & kisses & wants & wishes,


  1. OK, must say I am much impressed. The best part, it had a middle, a beginning and an end! Plus the parts about where babies come from. AB-FUCKING-FAB. Nuff said.

  2. It was definitely uplifting, yes? Did you laugh, cry, buy the t-shirt??
