Sunday, September 12, 2010

More Old Poems: "The Kick", "The Opiate War"

The Kick

Bleed blood mellifluent, tar
Opalescent eyelids they flutter—
Needle now withdrawn,
Heart now wrapped in shudder.

Doused in heroin, sweaty,
Triumphant through the sick
Spoon clinks tile or sink,
head fading into bog, to the thick.

Waking, cells indignant,
The cycle begins anew.
It takes a lot of taking
to get from black tar to through.

The Opiate War

I have called a ceasefire
An end to the shooting
Hollow-point heroin bullets
fly no more,
Numb me no longer.

I’ve waved the white flag of surrender.
Needle cannons stilled,
Syringe caps as grenade pins
No longer held in teeth.

I am calling for peace.
An end to this war on self—
time to withdraw the needle
and squirt this shot to the dirt.

Time to withdraw the needle—
Squirt this shot into dirt.

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