Sunday, September 12, 2010

Poems: "The Purpose of Poetry", "What Heroin Feels Like"

The Purpose of Poetry

Poetry blows up
preconceptions, the dull,
At its best turns a
tree to a spread-legged virgin

Or takes simple stars and
shrinks them to seem
like our own lives or minds
Connected and finite.

Poetry redefines,
It stretches and yawns
As words painted anew
Blow up the canon.


What Heroin Feels Like

Sweet opiate tongue, lick my aching bones
Bring me back to steady, steady my shaking blood.
The needle’s like a knife, cuts like a splinter,
Draws out some poison I stored deep inside—
Leaves back impression of something like love
Or perhaps just a hint of the death that’s to come.

If you want to know what heroin feels like
Just orgasm through every vein and cell
And feel the bonebreak of a sweaty palm nightmare
Melting away as the runoff in spring.
The sweetness of sunshine breaking through cumulus
And blood-drip down arm of the body cry joy.

If you want to know what an injection can be
Just slip in the barrel and pull on the trigger
And shoot with a bullet of the sweetest black tar.
Feel warm water flowing through arteries, a wave
Tidal in scope the honeyblood liplick
Put yourself up on the shelf for a while.

If you want, however, to know the lack-need
Of heroin flitting gone down the slipstream
The spray of shot all faded away
Keep yourself on too long by one day
Metastasize smack through spirit and mind
And feel your skin break, and feel your bones crawl.

What heroin feels like is mortgaged heart and form
Pay on it daily or sickness repossess flesh
As if your guts were on loan
The spoon held all the papers
And ‘round the banker came, spoon belly all empty,
Demanded a hit and finding none ate the high

And down you spiraled down to find the lowest low
The soul could dig down
And dig down it did—
When you bottom out you’ll find what heroin is:
A temporary fix that ends up fixing you
With a collar and a shock
And no key, no end in sight.


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